How to
commission work from us
The following items can be made to order
Wristwarmers - these have proved popular at the craft fairs
and can be made to order. £9 + P&P
Bags of all types - for shopping, carrying specific things,
work, casual or evening. Prices £15-£50 depending on
size/fabric used.
Cushions in recycled or other fabric prices from
Trevor also
takes commissions for photographic portraits, or portraits
in oils, acrylics or watercolour. Portraits of houses in
acrylic, oils or watercolour are also a speciality. Prices
from £85 for small watercolours, and from £125 in acrylic.
Paintings can be done from your photographs if we are a
long way from you.
Abstract textured works can be done from ideas or chosen
texts, from £150.
Please ring
01482 870278 for details or send an e mail by clicking on
contact us at the bottom of the page.
items featured on this website are only some examples of
our work, so if there is anything in particular you want,
we may have it. For example we literally have thousands of
photographs to choose from, and these can be supplied as
mounted prints or turned into greetings cards